Below is a few sections from the CC&R's, you can down load the complete document from the link.
There is an Architectural Control Committee. Plans must be submitted before a major project begins
(Article XV,section 2 states of the CC&R's):
The Committee of the Declarant as set forth herein, shall review proposed plans and specifications for residences, accessory structures, fences, wall, appurtenant, recreational facilities (e.g. hot tubs, basketball courts...), or other exterior structures to be placed upon the properties. No exterior additions, structural alterations, or exterior structures of any kind be make until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials, and location of the proposed structure of alteration have been submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Architectural Control Committee. The Committee shall also review proposals to change the exterior color off homes in the Plat.
Please submit your requests to: Paul VanHout- 4909 S. 279th St. Auburn, WA 98001.
Most of the homes in Shaughnessy will need new siding, roofs, and/or garage doors. Improvements/changes do need to be submitted, but here are guidelines on what has been approved:
- For Siding- Hardy Plank and Cedar. NOT VINYL or METAL. Mfg. example is Certaineed.
- For Roofs- 30-40 year architectural composition. Mfg. examples are Elk, Pabco, and Tam
- For Garage doors- Similar look to what is on the homes, painted white or base color of house.
The homes are becoming 10 years old- general maintenance is probably needed to keep the neighborhood looking its best. This helps everyone at time of resale. Please review Article IX, section 3 Lot Maintenance by the Association (pg10 of the CC&R).
(Article IX, Section 1 States: (page 10, section one of the CC&R)
No storage of goods, vehicles, boats trailers, trucks, campers, recreational vehicles, of other equipment or device shall be permitted in open view. This paragraph is not meant to disallow permanent (more than 24 hrs) parking or storage of vehicles, but if stored, vehicles shall be adequately screened from view. Screening of such vehicles must have the approval of the committee. This section was reviewed by the Board July 25, 1995 and was decided not to restrict homeowners from parking a vehicle in their driveway that is used on a daily bases.